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Real Assets Commodities

InfoHedge provides strategic advisory on opportunities and transactions in agriculture, infrastructure and other natural resources.

In 2013, InfoHedge advised one of the largest cocoa plantations in the industry. InfoHedge found strategic partners for the transaction and sourced capital. Following this first transaction, InfoHedge advised another transaction in 2015 in Central America in Citrus, coconut and lime production. This transaction has processing and distribution components and is vertically integrated.
Currently InfoHedge is advising
2 additional transactions in Central America (agro-forestry) and conducting a feasability study on a 3rd one.

In Developped Markets, InfoHedge advises 1 European conglomerate and 2 US Families. Projects and companies advised are active along the value chain in agriculture from production to processing to food brands. These different agriculture and food sectors include the different commodity complexes below and their verticals all the way to distribution/food brands:
- Corn wheat soybean
- Coffee, cocoa, coconut, citrus (trees)
- Livestock
- Agriculture infrastructure (elevators)
- Produces (Tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes..etc)

Our role is to find strategic partners and relevant sources of capital to build value for our clients. 

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